When unexpected environmental issues happen, we leap into the fray to explore, educate the public, and recommend action. In 2019 two such issues cropped up and continue today:
• Ongoing construction and debris dumping operation in West Saugerties. Neighbors came together and funded the hiring of an attorney by Catskill Mountainkeeper (CMK) to help the Town stop this operation. A number of legal actions were taken and included having NYS DEC test the debris for banned or toxic elements. In July 2019 DEC’s regulatory division issued a number of violations to the operator. In Fall 2019, Supreme Court Judge Mott lifted the “stay” on the Town’s Stop Work Order. We continue to monitor and assist in this on-going situation.
• In May 2019 we learned that a huge precast concrete and steel manufacturing facility was proposed in the Town of Kingston adjacent to Onteora Lake and surrounded by the Bluestone Wild Forest (BWF) recreational trails, including lands acquired by OSI with our local support, and recently conveyed to NYS to expand the BWF trail network. We raise awareness and ensure that the environmental impact of this proposed project is understood and addressed so that the public will continue to enjoy this beautiful state forest. In late August 2019, the Town of Kingston Planning Board (PB) rescinded its earlier Negative Declaration of Environmental Impacts (a negative declaration says there were no impacts). In December 2019 the applicant submitted a revised EAF Addendum, to be reviewed by the Town Planning Board. We continue our work on this and will post updates and meeting schedules on our Facebook, and via emails. Please join our mailing list by emailing